Boom Swagger
Gives Back
Boom Swagger loves to give back to the Missoula community in a variety of ways. Whether donating to auctions, fundraising for non-profits, free haircut events or providing some swagger for youth sports-we want to pay it forward for the love and support we receive all year long! Here are a few of the causes that are near and dear to our hearts.

Charity: Water
Charity: Water is a non-profit organization brining clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries. They are unlike any other organization because private donors cover 100% of their operation costing making sure ALL of your donation can fund water projects. They are an open book consistently earning high grades on their accountability and transparency. And you can track your dollar through photos, GPS locations and show others real projects you’ve helped fund! Check out the link above to learn Charity: Water’s story and see how you can help!

The Center
The Center is an open affirming environment for peoples of all sexual orientations and gender identity expressions. We empower our community through education, advocacy, and collaborative networking. We strive to be Western Montana’s voice for the LGBTQ+ community and allies.
We are proud to be a volunteer-based, community-funded organization where we strive to make our little corner of Montana a better place to live! Boom Swagger Salon is a proud supporter of The Center, please follow the link to donate to this organization.